Jaun Pass trail



8.23 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 03:00 h
  • 218 m
  • 218 m
  • 1,504 m
  • 1,671 m
  • 167 m
  • 8.23 km
  • Start: Jaunpass
  • Destination: Jaunpass
This beautiful snowshoe tour begins on the Jaun Pass and takes you on a circular hike around the Bäderegg. It is suitable for hikers who have had the benefit of some snowshoeing experience.

The marked Jaun Pass trail leads across snow-covered fields and through snow-clad fir forests below and to the south of the Bäderhorn summit. The sight of the distinctively jagged Gastlosen ridges is without parallel. Equally gripping are the views into the lower Simmental and to the Bernese Alps. Since the snowshoe trail crosses areas at risk of avalanches, it may sometimes be closed. The following applies: please observe the trail route markers and check current avalanche warnings before you set off.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Jaunpass (1504 m) – Bädermoos (1559 m) – Trogsite (1525 m) – Bäderberg / Grosse Bäder (1656 m)– Gislibüel (1640 m) – Bädermoos (1559 m) – Jaunpass.


Normal winter hiking equipment, snowshoes, poles.

Directions & Parking facilities

By car to the Jaun Pass.
Car parking spaces are provided at the Jaun Pass.
Travel by train to Boltigen, then by PostBus to the Jaun Pass.

Additional information

Tourismusbüro Boltigen-Jaunpass, Tel. +41 (33) 773 69 19, www.boltigen.ch

Lenk-Simmental Tourismus, Tel. +41 (0) 33 736 35 35, www.lenk-simmental.ch

Restaurants und Lebensmittelladen auf dem Jaunpass.


Jochen Ihle / Toni Kaiser: Die 66 schönsten Schneeschuhtouren der Schweiz. ISBN 978-3-03865-077-5, Rothus Medien, Solothurn, www.wandershop-schweiz.ch

Jochen Ihle / Toni Kaiser: Die 101 schönsten Winterwanderungen der Schweiz (mit Schneeschuhtouren). ISBN 978-3-03865-055-3, Rothus Medien, Solothurn, www.wandershop-schweiz.ch

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

On the opposite side of the Jaun Pass, a beautiful snowshoe tour leads past the SAC Oberenegg Hut and to the Hundsrügg lookout point (2047 m).

Safety guidelines

Moderately difficult snowshoe tour on the red-marked Global Trail. Difficulty: WT2.


LK 1:50.000, 253S Gantrisch, 263S Wildstrubel.


Getting there

Jaun Pass trail
3766 Boltigen