- 03:15 h
- 240 m
- 240 m
- 1,504 m
- 1,671 m
- 167 m
- 8.02 km
- Start: Jaunpass, Talstation Skilift Zügwäge
- Destination: Jaunpass, Talstation Skilift Zügwäge
From the Jaun Pass (starting point at the campsite) we follow the winter hiking trail to the area known as Bädermoos where the trail branches off to the right and leads along the summer trail around the Bäderegg to the Trogsite area. From here there are great views of the Lower Simmental valley. After a short but rather demanding climb through a fir forest we reach the Bäderberg area. After the forest section, a magnificent panoramic view of the Bernese Alps and the nearby Gastlosen mountain range awaits. As we pass the sizeable alpine huts of Gross- and Klein Bäder, the trail leads over to Gislibüel and, just ahead of it, the BBQ site by the same name. The rest area is situated in an idyllic location with wonderful views of the Gastlosen mountain range and the remote village of Abländschen. The route back to the Jaun Pass first takes us through a section of forest and then along the winter hiking trail back to Bädermoos and the Jaun Pass.
Good to know
Best to visit
Jaunpass - Bädermoos - Grosse Bäder - Chlinä Bäder - Gislibüel - Bädermoos - Jaunpass
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Verein Berner Wanderwege, Bern, Tel.: 031 340 01 01, E-Mail: [email protected], Homepage: www.bernerwanderwege.ch
Safety guidelines
Swisstopo Landeskarte 1226 Boltigen 1:25’000