Sillerenbühl - Bergläger toboggan run (Adelboden)



4.97 km long
Difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
  • 00:35 h
  • 1 m
  • 500 m
  • 1,487 m
  • 1,975 m
  • 488 m
  • 4.97 km
  • Start: Adelboden, Sillerenbühl top station
  • Destination: Adelboden, Bergläger middle station

For a change, why not treat yourself to a downhill run on a sledge or toboggan?

The following toboggan run is available in the region: Sillerenbühl - Bergläger toboggan run.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Toboggan, sturdy footwear, clothing suitable for the weather, gloves, hat and helmet, food including warm drink, emergency phone number.

Directions & Parking facilities

Drive to Adelboden, gondola lift bottom station, via Frutigen.
Sufficient parking spaces are available.
Getting there and back: Take the train to Frutigen. Then by bus to Adelboden to the bottom station of the Silleren gondola lift. Take the gondola lift to the top station.

Additional information

Bergbahnen Adelboden AG
Bonderlenstrasse 4
CH-3715 Adelboden

Tel. +41 33 673 90 90
[email protected]

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

You can easily hire modern sledges and toboggans directly at the Sillerenbühl top station.

Safety guidelines

Jeder ist für sein Tun und Handeln selber verantwortlich


Swisstopo Landeskarte 1247 Adelboden 1:25'000, bestellen unter:


Getting there

Sillerenbühl - Bergläger toboggan run (Adelboden)