- 02:00 h
- 1 m
- 490 m
- 1,485 m
- 1,975 m
- 490 m
- 3.47 km
- Start: Adelboden / Bergstation Sillerenbühl
- Destination: Adelboden / Mittelstation Bergläger
Adelboden: vista-rich themed trail
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Sillerenbühl - Gillbachegg - Rosszun - Bärgläger
We recommend the following items: sturdy hiking boots, medium-sized backpack with waist strap, sun protection, rainwear, hiking poles, first-aid kit, picnic, sufficient liquid, mobile phone.
Directions & Parking facilities
Drive by car to Adelboden via Spiez and Frutigen. In Adelboden/Oey, drive to the bottom station of the Sillerenbahn.
There is sufficient paid car parking at the bottom station.
Getting there: Travel by train to Frutigen and then by bus to Adelboden/Mineralquelle. Then walk to the nearby bottom station of the Sillerenbahn. Ride to the Sillerenbühl top station.
Getting back: From Bärgläger, take the gondola lift to Adelboden.
Additional information
Verein Berner Wanderwege, Bern, Tel.: 031 340 01 01, E-Mail: [email protected], Homepage: www.bernerwanderwege.ch
Safety guidelines
This route passes completely or partially along signposted paths of the mountain hiking trail category.
Swisstopo Wanderkarte 263T Wildstrubel 1:50’000