- 01:00 h
- 4.74 km
- 15 m
- 450 m
- 1,082 m
- 1,529 m
- 447 m
- Start: Sulwald
- Destination: Isenfluh
Enjoying a fondue meal in the Sulwaldstübli Restaurant on Sulwald during a full moon and then tobogganing down to Isenfluh in the moonlight is a particularly rewarding experience. You can crown it all off with a lovely hot drink in the Waldrand Restaurant in Isenfluh.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Gondelbahn / Postauto / Bus
Toboggan, sturdy footwear, clothing suitable for the weather, gloves, hat and helmet, food including warm drink, emergency phone number.
Directions & Parking facilities
Drive to Lauterbrunnen. Then take the PostBus to Isenfluh. By cable car to Sulwald.
Large car park in Lauterbrunnen next to the train station.
Take the train to Lauterbrunnen. Then by PostBus to Isenfluh. By cable car to Sulwald.
Additional information
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Schlittelmiete vor Ort: ja
Safety guidelines
Jeder ist für sein Tun und Handeln selber verantwortlich
Swisstopo Landeskarte 1228 Lauterbunnen 1:25'000